Riding Shotgun

Riding Shotgun
Enjoying a 'safe' tuk-tuk ride to Angkor Wat


The Night Before

Like most people I also suffer from EFT or excitement over future travel. Sleepless nights leading up to the departure date thinking of all you are going to see and experience. Spending a few more minutes reading a guild book and looking though the pictures. By now almost everyone who isn't traveling is sick of your constant chatter about when, where, and what you will be doing. So to combat this I recommend spending time with family and friend who are so close to you they have to listen. As for me my evening will be spend with my family over dinner.

In 26.5 hours I will be airborne and headed for Warsaw.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck and keep writing!! ;)
    Hope u'll spend a good time in Poland; )

