Riding Shotgun

Riding Shotgun
Enjoying a 'safe' tuk-tuk ride to Angkor Wat


Separated from the pack

Getting lost in Seoul made me remember the first time I got lost on my own in a different country. It was during my second trip to Europe. After half a day on our bikes my friend Jordan and I had decided we could go a little faster than my mother and father. So after discussing where we would meet Jordan and I headed off on our own and soon enough we were well beyond eye sight of my parents. We reached the small city which had been chosen as our lunch break and meeting spot. At one point I found myself separated from Jordan and wandering along the small streets of the French city. Looking back I cannot believe how calm I was while biking around the downtown district of the city. I somehow ended up at the central tourist information building and was spotted by my godmother who had joined us for part of our trip. It was a lucky meeting and likely stopped a city wide search for me.

I know that if a few more hours had gone by I would have likely started to freak out. Still the fact that I kept myself together and reconnected with my family was a great feeling. Finding them having already eaten lunch and seemingly unfazed by my disappearance was not. Apparently they had “Complete faith in my abilities” To this day I still don’t know if they were joking or not. Thankfully their real (or fake) belief in me seemed to pay off. So maybe getting lost sometimes isn’t that bad. The next time it happens to you just sit back and let the road ahead of you lead you on.

I wish you good health and happy travels. 

Colin S. & The Traveling Tiger

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